Cache directory "/home/content/f/w/s/fwschmidt/html/wordpress/wp-content/plugins/ttftitles/cache" is not writable.The Dog’s Breakfast

The dog had an unexpected treat this morning….beef in her kibble. You could almost hear her ask, “What did I do to deserve this??”

That, of course, is a question we all ask ourselves in good times and in bad. There are times when we do deserve one or the other. More often than not we deserve a bit of both and perhaps even more frequently our lives are filled with moments that have little to do with what we do or do not deserve. Jobs are found or lost; friendships are deepened or shattered; opportunities come and go.

How do we navigate the landscape of life in a spiritually and morally responsible fashion? A few thoughts:

If there is an obvious connection between the choices you have made and the experiences you are having and you don’t like the results — change the choices you are making.

If there isn’t an obvious connection, let go of the borrowed and unnecessary guilt, and move on (as best you can) in conversation with God.

If what is happening to you is good, remember, whether you deserve what you have or not – it’s all grace. Look for ways to give out of what you have, use the gifts that you have for good, and give thanks.

The dog didn’t do anything to deserve beef for breakfast, neither did we.

2 Responses to “The Dog’s Breakfast”

  1. Pat Schroer says:

    I think that we feel we deserve it far more than the dog does, however, and appreciate it less…just a thought.

  2. Carol Lawson says:

    Yesterday the FedEx dropped off a package of beautiful flowers. My first thought was who sent them? Alas, the card inside was not addressed to me. Yet the flowers had been delivered correctly to my address. I had to make up my mind to either just keep and enjoy them or go to the trouble of calling to settle this matter? Yes, I placed the call and was told not to be concerned about the mistake and if I wanted the flowers to enjoy them or would I please toss them otherwise. I was all to happy to arrange them in the beautiful glass container that was also included. I kept thinking about the enclosed note to “Gail.” Her friend wished her a good day and hoped the flowers would lift her spirit. I said a prayer for Gail and then thought about Fred’s post which helped me not to wonder if I deserved this gift. I don’t deserve any of my Father’s mercies but I am very happy to receive each and every one of them. I want to be just as grateful, however, when the sun is not shining on me and I am being corrected for I know the gift of disciplene is for my benefit also. Oh! remind me, Holy Spirit, remind me!

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