Cache directory "/home/content/f/w/s/fwschmidt/html/wordpress/wp-content/plugins/ttftitles/cache" is not writable.Curing Vertigo

Vertigo is more than a physical sensation. The disorientation that is part and parcel of the sensation is also an excellent metaphor for the disorientation that is all too common in the complex world in which we live.
Making decisions marked by grace, wisdom, and integrity are a challenge.

In abandoning the cultivation of virtue we often focus instead on the variables in the decision making process; and, at first blush, there is a good deal to commend that approach. If we are going to make a decision that will work, we need to understand the complexities involved. But in isolation, the situational approach to living becomes a series of negotiations and compromises without soul or heart.

By contrast, those who argue for the primacy of virtue argue This is not to say that variables and the complexity of the choices that we face do not matter. It is to say, however, that taking action in the world around us is grounded in a radically different way when we appreciate that making moral choices is finally an inside job.

The character of our discernment and the strength of our courage depends upon who we are. And it is the only way to cure vertigo.

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