Cache directory "/home/content/f/w/s/fwschmidt/html/wordpress/wp-content/plugins/ttftitles/cache" is not writable.Naming the challenge beneath the denial

The denial that keeps us from finding direction for our lives takes a number of different forms.

And almost all of us are stuck from time to time in one way or another.

This list is not exhaustive. It is offered to help you think about how you might be stuck:

Co-dependence: The non-stop “I can’t move unless you move, I can’t find healing unless you find healing” that keeps us from facing our own challenges.

Laziness: I’m not worthy. It won’t matter. Meaning, I don’t want to work that hard.

Fear: I can’t do it. There are too many challenges. Meaning I’m afraid to try and I am really, really afraid to fail.

Anger: The fury that is focused on the others who are to blame that absolves me from deciding what to do next.

Pain and depression: The hopelessness that deepens because I just won’t make a move.

Misplaced loyalty: I would act, but I need to wait for permission. Meaning I would rather give someone else power over my life (who likely has little or no real investment in it), than run the risk of making the decisions myself.

There are other forms of denial of course — and endless permutations.

But at a deeper level denial points to potential areas of growth, because it almost always points to a place where we need to learn how to trust God.

One Response to “Naming the challenge beneath the denial”

  1. Elaine Hood Culver says:

    Timely advice. Thanks!
    I also like this, posted on Facebook this past Friday: “One can never consent to creep when one feels an impulse to soar.” ~ Helen Keller

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