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According to one Wall Street Journal reporter, a recent scientific journal published in Europe concluded that 93% of the world’s population is completely predictable — evidently in every way imaginable.

If you are into herd-mentality, that’s comforting. There’s a lot of company to be had in 93% of the earth’s population. But that statistic is not particularly comforting if you were hoping to make your mark on the world.

The good news is, it shouldn’t be hard to do.

Novelty for novelty’s sake, however, has no more going for it than herd behavior.

So, how do we break out to do something fresh that is also marked by integrity?

Don’t sell out to the structures.

Find the time and space to listen to God’s voice.

Trust your gifts.

Don’t be afraid to fail.

And remember, being a part of the 7% isn’t about standing out for the sake of standing out, or even about big, noticeable deeds. It’s about listening to God’s call on your life instead of mimicking what 93 other people are doing just because they are doing it.

3 Responses to “7 per cent”

  1. Will says:

    So, ideally, in a world where everyone listens to God’s voice, would this number be at zero, that is, none of the human population is predictable?

  2. fwschmidt says:

    No….and who knows how this kind of thing is measured. The point is that we are so captive to a variety of unexamined forces that we rarely live in response to God’s leading. The goal isn’t to be unpredictable, per se. It is to live and move in response to God. And, sure, the world will find that unpredictable….almost every time.

  3. Angie Wyatt says:

    This is a great post! God is wildly unpredictable.

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